The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Philippines

By LAPADIDAY - Wednesday, October 12, 2016

This blog is a rip-off of Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Haha! Yes, I’m a big fan. For those who have read the book, you would most likely agree that “in fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations of Ursa Minor…” If you haven’t read the book, well--- you should.  I immediately drew a connection with the book since, although it’s merely science fiction, it is as real as the places my mental hitchhiking has brought me to. Quite convenient for poor jobless people like me who wish to travel but couldn’t… Books allowed us to do that. :) Although in my case, not only was money a hurdle to my traveling, so was my pursuit to becoming a lawyer. So, not only did I have to forego the traveling, even reading fiction novels had to take a backseat.

But I’m on my much awaited break now. Still poor but at least I already have the time. After all, it’s the new age where young people are taught to travel and explore the world though nobody is handing them the money. That might sound upsetting but not really. More than anything, it’s teaching us to acquire experience without the cost formal education would normally require… Just the will to travel and a heart to learn.

Let me just confess too that I am bad with geography. Don’t ask me about regions, I will fail. I am not proud of it. That is why I promised myself that when the chance comes, I will get to know the country I am in. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and use that knowledge to educate others. The end point: together, apply that knowledge to better the world. I believe there is so much to explore that we Filipinos most often take for granted. We ignore what is around us that we fall short with our responsibility to take care of it. We have the tendency to maintain and protect only that which are popular or would generate profit. I hope that with this blog we get to recognize beauty of nature and the uniqueness of our local culture and preserve it.

Note that this Blog Guide will be written by an amateur traveler. One who most probably will be learning things for the first time. So if you’re a lot like me who has long had the taste for backpacking but rarely had the opportunity to start the journey, you might find in me a kindred spirit.

To my readers, I hope I can be as informative and helpful. Enjoy the Philippines!

My first tip: DON’T PANIC

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